Sunday, November 30, 2008

Podcast schmodcast

Well, what I've learned in a nutshell is that the simpler your search terms when using a podcast search website the better. The same 200 hits kept popping up when I tried to use a combination of terms to limit the number of hits. No matter what I entered as search terms. Oh well, we're all learning right? But how do they have time for all of this??

Social bookmarking

Delicious has been used in HFAR for quite a while (a year at least, maybe longer). it's a fine thing, but I never use it because it is time-consuming to search.

Yay Youtube

YAY!!! I just realized that I already learned about podcasts by doing my own video about Librarything, which I have linked to this blog. I have noticed that podcasting/Youtube is used by 12 year-old boys (mine included0 who just want to show off exactly how cool they are because they can do skateboarding stunts and beat HALO 2, as well as being used by political groups to get their message out. But, with all the junk podcasts out there I'm still not sure how you find the substantive ones.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


O.K. I finally got a book to download onto my MP3 player, but it took forever to figure out how to do all this. It seemed necessary to dowload first to the computer hard drive and then transfer the audiobook to the MP3 player. Why can't it download directly without having to make the transfer?? the download took forever, but the transfer took less that a minute. UGH! And to top it off, I can't find the titles in my MP3 player directory. Where are those darn books?

Mytube, Youtube, we all 'Tube

I made a video with my son and we posted it to Youtube last night! WoooHooo!! In it, I talk about which I really like and will use frequently. I really look forward to finding all the cool options there.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I think is awesome, which is saying something since I'm pretty cynical. I love it though because it serves as a place to dump my brain. All those interesting titles and authors that I've read and had worried about remembering, are now stored neatly in my little electronic library. I don't have to be responsible for them anymore. However, I need to explore I need to explore further to see if there is a way to create a "books I wanna read someday" list, so that I don't have to try to keep track of that information as well.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Image Generators

I have tried for at least an hour to get an image generator to work for me. Why is it so hard? Is it because the providers are trying to make money? If you don't purchase the image they don't want you to have it? I can't tell what the problem is.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Feed Me!

O.K. I am now officially following two TWO wow! two blogs from my blog, but I had difficulty linking the feeds to my bloglines account. Perhaps I haven't "gotten" the entire concept yet of RSS etc. but I won't give up yet.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gone West!

I've been away from home for 10 days. I wish I had taken more pictures, but somebody (not me!) forgot to offload all the summer pictures, so my cards were half full. And of course the old technology (it's only been a year since we bought this camera, hasn't it) couldn't be purchased in any of the small western towns we visited. So, I filled the cards the best I could. See my slideshow in the bar at the left? I did it all by myself. We visited Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, The Badlands, Mount Rushmore and my favorite ..... Craters of the Moon. All of these are National Parks. see I also loved the National Elk Refuge in Jackson, WY. here

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I am shocked and amazed at the variety of Mashups that have been created out there in the Web/Universe. Two weeks ago I thought that a Mashup was just a mixed-up, funky twist of a photo or group of photos. Now I see how complex these are and how creatively people have applied the possibilities to their own needs.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Espan YO!

Everyday when I come to work, Senor Mendoza searches me out so that he can test my Spanish, see if I've learned anything since the last time he saw me. Well, this makes my day, even though I haven't. But someday I'd like to really surprise him with a few fantastic phrases. So, I'm really excited about starting my language lessons at LiveMocha is one of the hottest Web 2.0 start-ups in the Seattle area which is "bringing language learning out of the classroom and into the online community, tossing aside limitations of geography, and providing a forum for people to interactively share their knowledge and skills". They have just enrolled their One Millionth user! The mission statement says they are "redefining the language learning market through the introduction of a language 2.0 platform that integrates rich dynamic online instructional content with a social network of native language speakers". I'm hoping that LiveMocha will breathe some life into all that learning I did back in the day and that it will be even more fun that 10th grade Spanish Club.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Power Out

Just last sunday, the 14th of September, I was attending the Memorial Service for Dr. Charles Summerson of the Ohio State University. A curmudgeon through and through, he had barley achieved even the slightest proficiency in email usage by the time his fabulous 92 year-old life had ended, a fact that his children apparently enjoyed chuckling about. Ironically, as we left his memorial service a tremendous wind blew through the University area knocking down trees and electric lines for miles around. I exclaimed "Oh, it must be the Doctor's ghost blowing through the place he loved so dearly". Yes, either that or Hurricane Ike's tailwinds hitting the midwest like a giant tornado with a duration of hours, not minutes as we are accustomed. One who eschewed technology was now taking out the electricity for hundreds of thousands of households in central Ohio. Well, I though it was a great coincidence anyhow.

What a wonderful storm that was! The blowing of great winds, the felling of great trees. Many were uprooted, their connectivity way too weak to withstand anything close to the 75 mph gusts that roared through our neighborhoods. The air was full of the sounds the of the cracking and ripping of branches and trunks. It didn't take long for our homes to lose eletricity - in fact, I'm surprised the power lasted as long as it did. We watched the winds for an hour or two, and them we stood in the streets with neighbors lamenting the losses. But the one remarkable thing that I noticed was how I immediately began to have creative thoughts and desires. Creatively speaking, I have been pretty much asleep for the better part of this year since my father died. All of a sudden however, I was thinking up wonderful things to cook on the grill (or a log fire!)for the next three days (in case it should take that long for power to be restored). I wanted to start projects AND see them through to completion. I wanted to clean things and organize things and read things. ALL of which I couldn't accomplish without a steady source of power, but all of which I HAVE done in just the few days since the power came back on. Thank you Ike, Chuck, God! That was just what I needed. A weaning from technology for a few days to discover bits and pieces of me that I had lost.

Friday, September 5, 2008

I Just Got Started

The generous, wonderful people for whom I work have decided that all of us un-hipsters should get to learning us some web skills. So here we all are, creating blogs and social networking accounts, clogging up the world wide web and wondering "why?". Why would I want to voice my opinions or observations to strangers? All I want to do is talk to the people with whom I live (and have them rok my sox by responding with syllables on occasion). Why would I want to stay up late working on a computer, torturing it to comply just so I can state an opinion? If I'm going to stay up late (and I probably won't, ever) I will sweat over a sewing machine, not a computer. I'm much better at getting results from a sewing machine, or my cobalt Kitchenaid, or 'my Dyson' (rhymes with Mike Tyson). Now those are Some Machines. I don't mean to be ill-spirited here, but I just don't see what all the fuss is about. There are plenty of ideas in the world. You find them in a thing called a book. Or, in an extra-large book-like thingy with lots of parts called an encylopedia (n-si-klo-pee-dee-uh). Fabulous ideas can also be found in artwork which lives in a museum (mew-zee-um) or a gallery (ga-ler-ee). Or in a film (film). And what about the sharing of ideas? Why share them with strangers online? Is it not much better to share them over a common meal or a crackly campfire? And music? Certainly it too is better shared in a parlor rather than on a 'pod. I am just like anyone else. I long for deeply meaningful human contact. I simply fail to understand how the internet is going to assuage that inner longing so common to man.

That being said, do stay tuned for future updates by which you will be able to view and enjoy my art, kids, husband, dog, friends, quilts, travels, flowers, remodels, extended family and tomatos. Oh wait, I don't actually have a dog. Uma belongs to a friend, I'm just her sitter.