Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gone West!

I've been away from home for 10 days. I wish I had taken more pictures, but somebody (not me!) forgot to offload all the summer pictures, so my cards were half full. And of course the old technology (it's only been a year since we bought this camera, hasn't it) couldn't be purchased in any of the small western towns we visited. So, I filled the cards the best I could. See my slideshow in the bar at the left? I did it all by myself. We visited Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, The Badlands, Mount Rushmore and my favorite ..... Craters of the Moon. All of these are National Parks. see www.nps.gov. I also loved the National Elk Refuge in Jackson, WY. here http://www.fws.gov/nationalelkrefuge/

1 comment:

kkbookmom said...

Your pics were beautiful... thanks for sharing! Great job keeping up with L&P too!